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How to develop your intuition

10 Tips to tap into your intuition –

A gut feeling. A hunch. A nagging feeling to use caution. An “ah-ha!” moment. A powerful sense of knowing. We’ve all had these feelings at different times in our lives.

Everyone can tap into their intuition. No way is better, just different. You’ll know if your intuition is at work because you’ll be able to feel it – if you let yourself. It can come to you as an urge or an inkling. You may feel goosebumps, a gut feeling, a shiver, a racing heartbeat, or a sense of lightness, peace, or groundedness.

Tapping into your intuition doesn’t mean you deny logic or facts. But, you need to connect with your body intelligence. Intuition is like a muscle. If you don’t use it, you lose it. You got to train it to strengthen it.

Here are 10 activities you can try to develop your intuition.

  1. Shhh - Listen. Your intuition can’t talk to you if you’re not listening. Listen to what your senses have to tell you. Practice mindful listening. This means paying attention without prejudice or resistance. Deep listening lets you gather valuable information which can help you tap into your intuition. Find time to be silent and still.

  2. Create. Engage in fun, creative, free-flowing activities with few rules or instructions. These activities quiet the analytical mind and let your intuition speak up. Try an art class, improvisation, music, dance, or any creative endeavour that brings joy.

  3. Spend time in nature. Get away from technology and get reacquainted with nature and all of its splendor. Nature inspires awe and wonder. Listen to what nature has to teach us. Pay attention to the trees, the clouds, how the water moves, and all of the other creatures that you may meet on your path. Notice how they make you feel and what emotions they evoke in you.

  4. Visit a new place. Spend the day in new surroundings. Visit a new neighborhood, museum, park, restaurant, take a different route home, or just notice something new in your community. Being in a new place heightens your senses. Did you know you can also travel in your dreams? Dreams are another route to the unconscious. Dreams are rich with experiences, memories, and learnings. Notice all that you can with your fives senses to enhance your sixth sense. Pay attention to your dreams too!

  5. Move and go with the flow. Feel like you’re always striving but never arriving? We get anxious and sometimes angry if we can’t control a situation or our plans get derailed. Listen to your gut and do what feels right instead of mindlessly chasing goals. Live in the present and engage in activities you’re passionate about to grow your intuitive skills. Repetitive and rhythmic movements calm you down and open up your intuition too. Practice yoga, do dishes, chop your veggies, dance, garden, knit…

  6. Journal. Journaling is a powerful way to record every conscious change. Small changes bring long-lasting transformation. Put down on paper your thoughts and feelings to help you dig deep, bring awareness to unresolved emotions and issues, assimilate learnings, and find solutions.

  7. Meditate. Meditation helps to quiet your mental chatter. When you let your mind rest, your thoughts and emotions flow through. Try different types of meditation to see which ones work for you. Make it a daily practice to learn how your intuition speaks to you.

  8. Connect but be deliberate about the people you hang with. You can get so much information from connecting with people other than just what they say. Tone, body language, gestures – all contribute to the meaning we give our interactions. The ability to pick up on these cues or signals will help you fine-tune your intuition. Sometimes, we have a feeling about people but can’t quite put a finger on what that is. Ever notice how some folks drain your energy? You may want to limit your time with them. Negative energy adds noise and makes it harder to hear what your intuition is telling you. Surround yourself with people who enrich and empower you.

  9. Connect with your breath. By focusing on slowing down your breath, you are turning inward. This can yield powerful insights very quickly.

  10. Ask a straightforward question that you want an answer to. After you’ve asked the question, pay attention to what your senses tell you. This is essential information to help you understand what you need to know. We receive information all the time but don’t realize it. So, get clear on what you want your intuition to help you find the answers you seek.

Life gets busy – we spend most of our lives on a superhighway trying to get somewhere. Everything is passing us by at incredible speeds. Don’t kid yourself. You’re going full throttle too! But this can lead to nowhere or worse. Sometimes you need to take the country roads to find what you’re looking for. All this to say, you need to slow your life down to experience life. I know that’s easier said than done. Still, it’s necessary to become aware of what is happening around you and inside you.

Your intuition will surface when you free your schedule, sleep, stop pushing for it, take your mind off what you are searching for.

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